
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Wednesday, December 22

Hey peoples! i haven't quite left the blogging world - there's still some strands of thread holding me here for some reason. i'm just unable to write much just now...

but a quick update:

Well God is working in my life and i'm excited completely!
I don't know what He's got planned, but it's great to see that He does want us to be ever-changing and growing and seeking.
Praise the Lord!

i'm sorry that i'm not expanding on that just at the moment, but i'm sitting in mony library and i got lots to do th'sarvo, so i'm gonna push on...

ps. i don't know how to say this good, so i'll just say it and if anyone wants to know details and reasons or any of that, you're very free to ask me in person - Chris and i aren't "going out" as such anymore.

Saturday, December 4

howdy heidy hidey ho!
today we're preparing for EBN tonight. the church is looking quite decorated. i'm liking. oh and Pete Hayes has bright blue hair. tee hee.
And today i've also been preparing to go to Forster tomorrow. i'm so excited about finally getting away from sydney. better than that, i'm getting away from my renovations. better than that, i'm hanging with friends in a house near the beach for a whole week. very pleasing.
yet i have some concerns and questions: how much of my wardrobe should i take, and will it fit in my bag? whilst away, should i wash these clothes? will i sleep (i haven't been able to sleep very well for the last coupla weeks)? what will i forget? are we there yet? will matt get us lost? will his car blow up?

i've been eating a limited amount of chocky for the last coupla weeks just so i can indulge whilst up there. yet i decided that i wanted a chocolate blog (rather than a chocky block), so my colours have changed.

well yeh, i really do have a lot to write, but no time to write it. "time? who has time? but then, if we never take time, how can we ever have time?"

well have a great week my lovely blogging friends. shall write bout it when i get back. love you'sall!!!