
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Monday, April 26

ahh don't we just love cheeseburger challenges - esp when it aint ourselves involved in over-indulging our tastebuds with greasy maccas food. i think matt won on 7 right? with chris close behind with 6.5 and jamie on 6 (or was it 5?). ah well, the simple pleasures in life...
on the way home my car fell apart! :( a sheet of metal under the car had come loose and was draggin on the road, making a lovely racket. had to call daddy. but now it's fixed so yay :) i think the best, most satisfying part was the fact that it wasn't me driving - all blame nic! haraah!
yesterday i had fun getting in touch with my inner child (shock horror ppl, my usual immaturity can become even more immature - if that makes sense). my lil cousin and my other cousin's kid came over and we had fun playing with those pipe-cleaner thingys and watching "the most silly songs of all time" (wotever it's called). that's right, we even managed to get some evangelism in there - haraah for vegetales, those guys are geniouses (or would the plural actually be genii?). teach 'em young - good stuff.
well i dont think i really stuck to the 'telling what i learnt today' challenge, but on saturday i learnt that it is posible to model meiosis using playing cards, and yesterday i learnt how to shuffle those playing cards. i know, i'm a hopeless case. today is not over yet, so there is still time for me to learn something. in other words, i aint done anything today that i have learnt something from, except that i hav a leaders meeting on tuesday night. well i'm going to go find something to learn, and shall report back tomorrow perhaps. oh i have a german song to learn by tomorrow - excellent, i shall be learning german tonight ppl...