
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Monday, April 19

hello yes well no.... i dont know
lookin at other ppls blogs - some ppl are way too smart. i dont get half the stuff some ppl talk about. way over my head. but thats ok coz God gives us enough knowledge for what he has designed us to do. like what the heck did matt stanton mean when he said "When I throw the baby out with bathwater, Helen tries to clean up the bath for the sake of the baby"??? what zee? does anyone else get it...
oh i have another question - why did suddenly change to an english accent throughout the whole soul conference? i noticed becky doin it to last night when we were sharin our experiences of God that we encountered during soul. what does it mean? is it just coz we like that accent, or do we long to be different from what we really are? or is it an attention seaching thing? why why why? but it's weird coz wen you get back to 'reality' (home), no accent...
i just realised it's the afternoon and i had promised myself that i would 'study' and i've sat on my butt all day and done jack crap... dam
and it's goin dark so i'll get the washing off the line and do the washing up so that mum wont be angry when she gets home soon. ok yeh.....