
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Wednesday, April 28

written yesterday:

i have decided - i think i want to be an accountant...

Today i have learnt that "when we [as christians] give God enjoyment [meaning praise, etc], our own hearts will be filled with joy." yet i'm not sure if this is entirely true. like matt, i'm a bit doubtful of the authenticity of "A Purpose Driven Life". sure, most of the time when i'm worshipping and praising Jesus i certainly feel jolly, but i don't always find that all my issues go away. Like Riley was saying, when he's telling his non-christian friends about God he feels great and proud, but then he gets shut down which gives him a stab of devastation. so yes, sure, bringing glory to God is amazing, and i'm so thankful that He allows us to, but i just found that this statement was not so fitting.
also another thing that didn't sit right for me tonight was the whole noah's ark thingy. my question is 'how did the sea creatures survive the flood?' first things first: how could they get the sea creatures onto the boat, due to the fact that noah's dinghy was in the middle of this land mass and there were no means of transporting these animals or the boat across this dry land? and how could they accommodate these sea animals once they actually got them aboard the ark? did they have a built-in aquarium so that the sea creatures did not dry out? yes, the ark was massive and i realise that the animals taken on board were probably juveniles, but could they really fit in 2 blue whales, 2 humpbacks, 2 whalesharks, 2 spotted pink elephant fish (yes i did make that one up), and the kitchen sink as well? Genesis 7:23 says "Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out... Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark" so obviously the sea creatures did have to join in on the action, but how did Noah manage to get 'em on board? That's yet another thing i'm gonna be asking God about when i meet Him.
but there's another thing - is it right to question God about such things? in our bible study group tonight, i really got a feeling that ppl would be rejected (sounds harsh but true) from the group>church>faith if they question our beliefs. yeh i know that we shouldnt challenge God's authority or whatever, but man sometimes it's as if we're jo ho's or something - question the faith and you'll be kicked out!

well enough for tonight - school starts again tomorrow! shall be interesting...
ps. another thing i learnt today - chris won cheeseburger challenge on 7burgers and 1 bite, matt was runner-up on 7, and jamie died on 5 (he also cheated by getting jeremy to eat another 1 and said it was him... tut tut)....