
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Wednesday, May 26

today is so beautiful ~ truly lovely. the leaves are glistening in the trees and the sun's sending it's last rays over the hill and making the water look an orangy-brown colour (the brown bit doesnt sound so nice, but it certainly looks good). the boats have their sails out and it's so peaceful here in bayview, well apart from the fact that i have my stereo up pretty loud so that my whole house is shaking to jebediah...
no school for 4 days now. today was only a half day too. how funny. that means that this week grand total of participation at school is 1 and a 1/2 days. how bludgey! it's all for legit. reasons though, not coz i'm wagging or whatever. on tuesdays i dont have any classes coz i'm smart and picked "online" subject ("online" in the sense that they aren't arty-farty or majorly smartness "offline" subjects). thursday's a teacher's strike. friday's the athletics carnival, and since i probably wouldn't participate anyway, i may as well stay home and procrastinate. today's wednesday which is sports day, and seniors don't have to do sport so i get to come home early. yay!
tried tom's "chunder" - sour cream, mandarin, and marshmellows last night. it was good until the aftertaste kicked in - kind of a milky slag in the back of your throat. ooh, SLAG's a good word to put in that romantic, ballady song ~ so now this song needs to include gunk, snog and slag. anyway, whatever rach says, she did not actually try enough of tom's concoction to actually taste it so if she blogs about it, her words are meaningless...
last night's small group was good hey. inspiring quote of the week: "the best use of life is love, the best expression of love is time, and the best time to love is now!"