
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Saturday, May 8

well that has been a bloggless week hasn't it... how unimpressive. i notice that i have been added to the blog bog, so this shall be my first sighting on it. YAY i qualified!
nothin much happened this week. actually no, tons of stuff happened, i just forgot. well we had photo day on thurs and that was annoyin coz the yr 8's took up so much time that when us yr 12ers went to get ours done in period 6, we only had time for the group and muck-up photo (which was great fun though). the photo ppl have to come back another day and do our portraits (which is good in a way coz this week has been a major ugly one for yours truly).
what else happened? well on tues night was parent teacher interviews and mrs cav (english) had a whinge about how badly i went in 1/2 yearlies and how she's so disappointed coz i used to be her 'top student'. but everything else was ok. mrs peek (maths) was cool coz she started evangelising to my parents (who aren't christians). at the time i thought it was hilarious, but mrs peek is so cool. good stuff.
also on tues night was bible study group. i realised that i was actually looking for contravertial things that i could write in my blog, so i decided now that this blog isnt going to be used to raise contraversy unless it's really necessary.
wednesday nite was kinda annoyin coz i decided to try out for epa (davo high concert) and i had only got the song on monday and made a really dodgey backing track and i kinda stuffed it a bit. only 3 solo musical acts were allowed in. yesterday had a chat with mrs oberg (music teach) and she told me i got in! feel kinda bad coz nobody else in my music 1 class did and i just hope that they dont think it's coz im good friends with oberg.
last night had beck and my small group, where only hannah and ariane came (yay for them) coz beck didnt ring her half of the girls dam. but thats ok, just a shame. the Lord will work how He has designed. also shame coz all other dteams were disrupting ours coz we start a half hr before everyone else's, so their groups decided to come over and check out wot we were doing (chatting, screaming, nicking our food,etc). i'm allowed to have my whinge. next week we might have ours in the church centre...
then after small group courty, scott, sal (who got her p's and leech did too), and ben rocked up and we all went for a drive to mona to get subway and a movie (S.W.A.T.). YAY that ppl came to my area for a change! we all went back to courtney's place, where we were joined by maryanne, kirsty and leech. watched movie - yay for cops-n-robbers movies and shenaniganised.
mum's day tomoz - sending ma and pa to an opera, so should be nice.
struggling to find other events now. the only other significant thing i can think of is my hsc timetable which we got on monday. turns out i have 2 days where i have 2 exams! dam.