
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Thursday, June 10

I’ve decided that John Mayer’s newer album “heavier things” definitely isn’t his best. Sure there are some good songs, but man i expected much more – the album title is rather misleading… I expected ‘bigger and better things’ from “heavier things”…
I’ve found that every time I come home, I get all excited to see what new stuff the builders have done. Today’s efforts include concreting, bricking, plumbing, digging, marking, structural beaming, blah blah blah. Good on my builders (yes they are mine, I own them). Actually, they’re really nice. I used to go to primary school with one of em – carl pymble - which is kinda funny. The best thing though, is the fact that I haven’t seen any ‘plumber’s crack’ yet – let’s keep it that way…
My hsc music pieces are all coming together now. had a practise with matt on monday night, oberg on monday and tomorrow, stageband today and tomorrow, and chris on monday. i feel much better about it. i just have to write up a sax v's scat solo so that they fit together in the ad lib section of the stageband piece. and i'm so glad i'm not doin a trumpet solo for my exams - it's taken me over 10 years to work out that i officially suck... :(
Going to harry potato-head tonight. It took much convincing for my mum to allow it coz it’s a school night and all. She kinda actually had no choice in the matter (oops), as I’d already got the ticket and all (yay for tom’s brilliance). Anyway, “I’m excited!” (just imagine that was in a Big Kev voice). It’s bound to be a latey – movie starts at 9:30pm and taking in consideration that we’re going to the city and I live in bayview, I shan’t be home til the wee hours of the morn (that was me sounding either posh or scottish)...