
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Sunday, July 11

Tim Hughes must be the biggest Delirious fan. It was Tim Hughes that wrote “You” wasn’t it? Well there’s a song by Delirious called “My Glorious” and the main line in that song (apart from “my glorious”) is “bigger than the air I breathe”… hmmm what’s with that. And seriously, Martin Smith’s vocal tone colour sounds so similar to Tim Hughes voice – while listening to Glo th’smorn I had to check the cover to make sure that they hadn’t got Tim in as a guest singer, it was that similar. So next time I se Tim I’ll have to ask him about Delirious. I bet he could tell me every little detail about them and all the concerts he’s been to and the times that he’s met them in person…
Oh and just listening to “Intimate Stranger” and it sounds way too much like “You are the one who satisfies” (well I don’t know the proper title). So I dunno who actually wrote these songs, but man they’re plagiarised off Delirious (that is, unless Martin Smith wrote them and takes the credit for them, coz that would be ok – he’s the lead singer of Delirious in case I lost you back there).
Ok so maybe it’s the English accent and culture or something, but man Tim and Martin are just too similar. I think Tim and his songs are completely Delirious influenced though…
But there’s a great song on Glo that could work so well as a worship song. I’ll look into it…
Today sounds fun! Yay I like fun days. But I gotta pack up my fish tank and say goodbye to my silly little fish that I have forgotten to feed since Liz came and fed it on Monday (or was it Tuesday?). Poor little fishy, but hopefully at Janine and Steve’s place it will be happier. After dropping silly little fishy off at Janine’s, straight to the pub I go (for Youth Alpha of course). Then to Manly for fish and chips on the beach with the Youth Alpha crew and then back to church. And then probably maccas after that. And yay I get to catch up with everyone – Chris and Maryanne will be back. They’ve both been away the whole of last week, so I’m getting excited to go see em! YAY!
Does anyone else ever get weirdo nervous twitches? Yesterday I got the good old ‘eye twitch’, and right now I’m getting the ‘hand twitch’ – it’s just shaking away happily to itself.
I have to say I’m not a bagpipe fan. Sorry to all those bagpipers out there, but man they’re irritating. Had to skip a Delirious song coz it was too much bagpipiness for me. And I felt so terrible skipping a song, due to what Tom was saying in his sermon last week. I’m sorry Tom. I didn’t mean to disrespect Delirious at all. In fact, they were disrespecting me by having nasty bagpipes on their album. So there, I feel like I have justified my actions enough – so it’s all Delirious’s fault! Ha! but I still love ‘em.
This has turned out to be a dumb post I say. Hmmm, just lately I’ve been letting myself down in the blogging department. Not so good. not enough controversy and interesting topics. Not that I’m ever very interesting. But the topics I’ve been talking about in my blog of late have been ratehr tedious for even me to re-read…
Ooooh, Martin Smith can’t say “me” (from the song “Jesus’ Blood”) very well – it sounds like an Aussie impersonation. Quite pathetic really. You gotta laugh though. Ha! I laugh at Poms. I can’t wait til Nic gets back and I can knock her for her wannabe accent. We love the English accent, so hearing Nic try will be a kack! ***sigh*** When Nic gets back… the stories she will tell. I wish I could be there. I wish I could see Soul in the City. That would be the best. One day we’ll have a SITC in Sydney. Well I hope so. That would be good. But I do believe that Soul Survivor Sydney will grow and it will be as well known as Hillsong. Well that’s my hopes anyway… Whatever the Lord has planned, I shall be grateful for. Coolies…