
...hectic as buggery-bop...

Sunday, February 6

Something extremely amusing that I’ve discovered recently is happy tree friends. Good laugh I say…
In other news, why do I feel so out of place right at the moment? Where do I belong? I don’t know why I feel like this. Well I can think of a few dozen things that make my everyday world seem unpleasant and uncomfortable and lacking, but I don’t think I should delve into them in such a public way.
Talking about public, tonight after church we all went back to a lovely young family’s house for our "first Sunday" gathering, where I discovered that many new faces had popped up at church tonight. I’m so impressed that there were like 5 or so people who came to church by themselves not knowing anyone at all. It’s good to know that God’s still in action even when I’m heaps lazy, stubborn and proud.
It’s so difficult to make conversation with new people when you’re in your group of friends in a place I know. I’m so over clicks! But it makes me appreciate other people who do that for me so much though. Like it was so cool to hang out with the Wollongong crew – they were so loving, welcoming and accepting.
I don’t know what’s going on in my head today. I’m tired, confused and clumsy. I even forgot to plug in my guitar tonight and didn’t notice til 2 songs into worship… Big learning experience night for Lauren.
I’ve been a grump today. And I have no reason or excuse at all…
Tomorrow night is a Soul Survivor meeting at my place, and I’ve got so much that I need to do in prep so that I at least won’t appear lazy.
And I’m working at Michel’s at 12pm with my pregnant boss tomorrow. She’s due in less than 2 weeks! How absolutely ridiculous is it that she’s working?!